Latest updates from the campaign and our candidate:
September Summary
September was a busy month! So busy that there was no time to hunker down and get some news done. We are proud to have earn and announce the endorsements from CADEM, SB County Democratic Central Committee, and Mental Health Now. I had the opportunity to perform a wedding as a Central Committee Member for my close friends. We had an amazing event at Hesperia Civic Park with El Festival del Grito withover a thousand people coming to celebrate Mexican Independence Day. Moreover our greatest feat this month was canvassing over 2,000 homes in Hesperia. September=Success!
Rally for Kamala and Tim!
Viva Las Vegas!
The campaign is headed to Las Vegas this Saturday August 10th. We'll be there to be celebrate FREEDOM with our future president, Kamala Harris, and vice-president, Tim Walz! Check out our socials for Lives and join us on the road trip.
We're on the ballot!
Team Ochoa wants to report that we are moving on as nominees for Hesperia City Council, District 1. After a strong support from our local community members, neighbors, and family we have secured all the necessary signatures. We're excited to move forward in our pursuit of, "Change in the right direction." Thank you to our staff and army of volunteers!
$82 Million in one day...I'm with her!
Team Ochoa stands in full solidarity with Vice President Kamala Harris and her bid for President of The United States. We have witnessed history in such a short amount of time. We are committed to standing on the right side of history. It is for this reason that Team Ochoa has moved its efforts to canvassing 6 days a week up and down the ballot. We will be sure to encourage voters to support VP Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff for U.S. Senate, Derek Marshall for Congress, Kipp Mueller for State Senate, Juan Carillo for State Assembly and Dara Smith for San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk for which we share overlapping districts. Our campaigns also stand in solidarity with Lisa Middleton for State Assembly, Ricardo Ortega for State Assembly, Leslie Irving for Victorville City Council, and La Kerie Williams for Apple Valley Town Council.
President Joe Biden is passing the torch!
My Fellow Hesperians, family, friends and followers,
Yesterday I was too emotional and too overwhelmed to write this. I was in the middle of canvassing when I got the news about our President stepping down. I asked myself, "What would Joe want me to do?" So Team Ochoa kept canvassing and canvassed over 200 individuals yesterday. When I was in 5th grade I wrote a paper on Joe Biden, he became a hero to me, his story, his past, his perseverance, and his ability to overcome would inspire me as a father and now as a future city council member. His decision to step down is a sign of the true strength of leadership and wisdom. With 50 years of service, not every choice he made was popular and not every choice was the right one, but his successes and his fight to restore the soul of our nation cannot be outweighed. There is nothing we cannot do if we do it together. Thank you Joe.
Saturday in Action!
Canvassing with the High Desert Progressive Democrats!
Lunch with the Victor Valley Democratic Club!